Friday, January 7, 2011

Higher, Daddy!

A wooden, rope swing holding two little girls, side-by-side,
You were our father, our larger-than-life hero and someone on whom we relied.
I picture that enormous, storybook tree and the magical, dappled shade,
Combined with the soft breeze blowing our hair is an image in my mind that will never fade.
We weren't satisfied with just skimming the ground and observing the branches of the trees.
We wanted to touch the sky with outstretched legs and our bare feet, please.
"Higher, Daddy!" we'd scream at the top of our lungs with pure joy and delight.
And with this you'd pull that swing back like a rubber band and push with all your might.
With total trust and adoration we sailed over you in wonder,
For you added an element of suprise by choosing the flying swing to run right under.

I remember at that moment realizing what it meant to be happy from the fullness in my chest.
Arms wrapped around my younger sister while gazing at the man I loved the best.
As high and fast as we would go, I always knew you'd be right there.
A security not within your hand's grasp but one I saw in your protective stare.
I guess that's what has given me the strength to soar above the trees in my adult years.
To live out my hopes and dreams without crippling doubts and fears.
Even though you're not watching anymore, you did when it mattered so much.
Your love for me then sustains me now instead of your presence and your touch.

Melanie Hamilton
October 2010

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