Monday, January 24, 2011

For My Favorite Daffodil

For my baby sister, Daf
Who believed in me,
Even when I was not yet old enough to believe in myself.
From the Pal's Playhouse,
To the wagon that was supposed to carry blocks.
She looked at me
With loving eyes.

For my younger sister, Daf
Who protected me,
Even though I was the older one.
From the mouse,
To Mama's wrath and Daddy's hand.
She cried when
I was spanked.

For my adolescent sister, Daf
Who doctored my wounds and seemed to understand
Even though I really didn't.
The pain of a first love,
And the emptiness that is left.
She crawled in my single bed beside me,
And held my hand while I cried.

For my teenage sister, Daf
Who told me the truth about myself,
Even when the truth was ugly.
From the night Daddy was out looking for me,
To telling me the hard facts about my boyfriend.
Her disappointment in me
Hurt more than the punishment.
She changed me for the better.

For my adult sister, Daf
Who stands beside me through good and bad,
From the funeral to the weddings,
To the births and everything in between.
Even when our hearts burst with emotion,
She calms me,
And I know I am not alone.

February 2004

There aren't many certain things in life. (Believe me, I've learned this the hard way.) But one thing I am definitely certain of is the relationship I have with my sister, Daphne or Daf as I call her. I'm not a betting woman as far as life goes as I mentioned above, but I would be willing to wager our relationship against any other sister pair in the world. We are that close. I am also being totally honest when I say that I would give her a kidney, stand between her and an ax murderer, give her the best piece of fried chicken on the platter...the pulley bone (I used to.), do her chores (Did that, too.), walk ten miles in the snow barefooted if she needed medicine, etc. Get my drift?

We are very different yet we're exactly the same. Doesn't make sense, huh? But to family and friends, this statement makes perfect sense. I worry, plan, organize and agonize over every decision. She never worries, flies by the seat of her pants and takes life as it comes. She inspires me to let go and I inspire her to care about details. We both love art, dance, music, family, friends, shopping, laughing, talking, reading and being together. We hate small-minded people, unnecessary drama, a good deal with no money to spend, bad haircuts, liars, and a messy house. She is a natural athlete (played Little League before girls were really allowed) while I can't catch, throw or hit a ball. I ride my bike everywhere and she is like a duck out of water on one. We both sing, dance and play the piano but music turned out to be her true talent as dance became mine. Neither one of us EVER meets a stranger and did I mention we are LOUD? We both laugh and talk with our entire bodies. No lack of drama here nor do we lack a list of topics to cover. People usually stop and stare if we happen to be in public because normally we are laughing so hard the tears are flowing. We are a spectacle...albeit a fun one! What in this world would I do without her? Answer: I wouldn't be me.

There is no possible way to share the millions of memories we have made over the years, but I plan to try and hit the highlights on this blog...not all at once. (She is one of the reasons I started it in the first place.) To name a few without going into too much detail, there is the time she drove the lawnmower up a tree with me on the back, a coveted sweatshirt and my big toe, a certain incident involving a boy, my dad and a large stick, an exciting visit to my college where at 14 she entered a nightclub...the list goes on and on. Whether the memories are good or bad isn't the point. The point is we shared them together and we still do.

My mom sat me down at the age of 3 1/2 to explain what it meant to have a little sister. She said that the baby she carried would be MY baby to love and watch over. I took her words to heart. Daf has always been mine. I have loved and watched over her for the past 38 years. Until I breathe my last breath, I will continue to do so and will look forward to our next adventures.

I love you, Nettie!
OXOX, Celie

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