I stand at the edge of an expansive field of wildflowers holding my son's chubby hand.
For a moment I question where we are and how I've arrived at this piece of unfamiliar land.
Across the peaceful divide my eye catches a slight movement through the emerald trees,
And there you appear, Mama...smiling and glowing with beauty while your hair blows in the breeze.
You drop to your knees without a minute to spare and fling your arms open wide,
And before I know it, my toddler runs as fast as he can until he reaches you on the other side.
You play hide-and-seek in the flowers while the butterflies float and the dragonflies dance,
Watching you spin him in circles and hearing the sounds of your laughter put me in a tearful trance.
Somehow I just know I'm not allowed to cross the gulf and happily join the two of you as you play,
Even though it saddens me deeply, our Heavenly reunion will just have to wait for another day.
For now it is enough to watch the one taken away hold the one for whom I'm so thankful I was given,
Birth and death and heartbreak and joy are full circle experiences that are all a part of living.
And just like that, my sweet baby rushes across the field back into my waiting embrace,
We wave and blow kisses to you long after you're gone with the warm sun shining on our face.
Even though we can't go to where you are now and you can't stay with us during our time here,
By God's glorious grace, I feel your loving presence and I know you're always near.
Happy Mother's Day, Mama!
I love you,